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Use our online tool to get a quote for your luggage shipment. Simply enter your luggage details, destination, and preferred service to receive a transparent cost estimate without hidden fees.
Use our online tool to get a quote for your luggage shipment. Simply enter your luggage details, destination, and preferred service to receive a transparent cost estimate without hidden fees.
Choose to have FedEx pick up your luggage from your location or drop it off at a nearby FedEx location. Select the option that fits your schedule best.
FedEx ensures that your luggage will be delivered safely and on time, so you can relax and enjoy your travels.
LuggageToShip, in partnership with FedEx, offers a variety of tailored shipping services:
Send your suitcases or boxes securely through FedEx.
Ship your winter sports equipment in advance, ensuring it arrives safely for your trip.
Avoid the hassle of carrying your golf clubs by shipping them with FedEx.
Affordable options for students moving to or from college, making shipping simple and stress-free.
FedEx, founded in 1971, revolutionized the package delivery industry. From a small operation delivering 186 packages on its first day, FedEx now delivers millions of packages every day. With its unmatched global network, FedEx has become synonymous with reliable, fast delivery. FedEx Express services are ideal for time-sensitive shipments, ensuring your luggage reaches its destination quickly and safely. Whether you choose Express for fast delivery or Economy for more budget-friendly options, FedEx continues to set the standard for international logistics.
This page was last updated in May 2023 for reference only. LuggageToShip makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information provided herein. Please visit for FedEx services and FedEx terms of use. FedEx® is a registered trademark, and its content is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. © 1995-2020 FedEx.
FedEx calculates shipping costs based on either actual weight or dimensional weight (size and density). Larger luggage items may incur higher shipping costs.
The farther your luggage has to travel, the more expensive it will be. Domestic shipments are generally cheaper than international shipments.
Faster services like FedEx Express will cost more than slower, less time-sensitive options. Choose according to your budget and urgency.
Add-ons such as tracking, insurance, or signature confirmation may increase the overall cost of your shipment.
Input your luggage dimensions, weight, delivery speed, and destination in the FedEx calculator to receive an accurate shipping cost estimate.
Ensure you measure and weigh your luggage accurately to avoid any unexpected charges.
Luggage is often charged based on dimensional weight (Length × Width × Height ÷ 5000), so be sure to factor this in when calculating costs.
Be aware of potential surcharges like fuel charges or remote area delivery fees, which could add to the cost of shipping.
FedEx offers several shipping services designed for golf club transportation:
Use lightweight packing materials and avoid overstuffing your luggage to reduce the overall weight.
Opt for FedEx Economy services instead of Express options to save money on your shipment.
Ship in advance to avoid the extra costs of expedited services and save money.
Check for any FedEx discounts, promotional offers, or membership benefits that could help reduce the cost of your shipment.
Failing to accurately measure and weigh your luggage can result in higher charges. Always double-check before shipping.
Not insuring your valuable luggage could lead to major losses if the items are damaged or lost during transit.
Excessive packing materials add unnecessary weight and bulk, which increases shipping costs.
Waiting until the last minute for your shipment may force you to choose more expensive, expedited services.
Don’t overlook additional fees like fuel surcharges or delivery area fees. These can quickly add up.